Contact us at:

Anne Arundel Peace Action

310 Riverview Avenue

 Annapolis, MD 21403-3328


Sign Up to Receive Updates

Most communications by Anne Arundel Peace Action come by e-mail or by postings here on our web site. This includes notifications of monthly chapter meetings, reminders of socials and other informal get-togethers (like our annual Peace Picnic), information about upcoming programs and events, action alerts, and opportunities to participate in much of the chapter’s business.

If you are interested in being on the chapter’s e-mail list, please fill out this form.

We promise that you will not be swamped with messages, and we pledge to share your address with no one.


Chapter Coordinator and Maryland Peace Action Board Member: Ray Sullivan [email protected]

Treasurer: Mike Keller [email protected]

Chapter Coordinator Emeritus: Mike Keller

[email protected]


Monthly Peace Action Socials: Mike Keller


Action Alerts:  Mike Keller and Ray Sllivan

Education:  Mike Keller and Tom May

Social Media:  Will Get I.T. Done

Organizer of Peace Writing Contest: Mike Keller

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Awards Dinner: Mike Keller